Swiss bank website
Key point

We faced the task of creating the bank’s website: in 5 languages, with a huge emphasis on attention to detail and an even greater emphasis on security related not only to the enormous rigours of a financial institution, but also to issues arising from Swiss and international laws.
The client expected the website to be developed within a very strict deadline and there was no chance of postponing it. Also, work was to be carried out with the client and several suppliers located in 5 different countries. When we started, we knew that we had to work very closely with all the entities involved and that we had to deliver the current objectives in as short iterations as possible. To make sure that we focus on exactly what is most important at the moment.
Dedicated team working in Scrum
Complicated content management structure
To ensure security within the service, the environment was configured using Continuous Delivery. This minimised the time needed to implement the necessary security updates.
The service was covered by automated and functional tests and – to continuously monitor the status of the application and any integrations – monitoring was applied. The application backup system was also implemented, which makes it possible to restore the last stable version of the system within 20 minutes. As the service is used by customers around the world in different time zones, the application is monitored by a 24/7 support team.
Optimisation and integration
The website has been optimised to operate in every corner of the globe. By using the Content Delivery Network, the page load speed was significantly accelerated, and the use of Webpack significantly improved script loading performance.
Thanks to integrations with several banking systems, the service is fed with up-to-date data. Some of the content from the website is made available to banking systems. An important part of the project was also the integration of the website in terms of very extensive analytics based on Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target and Decibel tools.
During a two-year relationship with a client:
- we implemented a global banking website based on Drupal, which in terms of functional requirements, stability of operation and security is on a par with Enterprise solutions,
- we implemented analytical tools (Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, Decibel) and created our own analytical modules,
- we implemented monitoring covering key functionalities with modules integrating data from many external sources and built a team on duty around it 24 hours a day,
- we have implemented automatic and manual tests at every stage of production,
- together with the client, we built an international team for the project, consisting of 6 partners working in 5 different countries.